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Internal Political Bureaus Reject Outcomes of Riyadh II

Statement issued by bureaus calls for a return to the initial Riyadh demands and a rejection of its amendments, Orient-News reports
Internal Political Bureaus Reject Outcomes of Riyadh II

The political bureaus inside Syria issued a statement rejecting the outcomes of the Riyadh II conference, noting that they did not meet the aspirations of the Syrian people.

In a statement, opposition parties in the provinces of Idleb, Aleppo, Damascus, Hassakeh, Hama, the Damascus Countryside and Quneitra said that it came “in light of the international silence around the crimes committed by the criminal regime against the Syrian people with Russian and Iranian support. While Syrian opposition delegations were meeting in Riyadh with an international attendance, warplanes of hatred and terrorists were targeting innocents.”

The statement confirmed its adherence to the aims of the Syrian revolution without retreat from its goals, first of which was the fall of the Assad regime and its rule, saying that what had come out of the Riyadh II conference did not represent the aspirations of the Syrian people and was an introduction to the Sochi conference, which was a piece of submissiveness.

The bureaus called for compliance with the statement of the first Riyadh conference and rejected any amendments, adding that it did not accept political quotas and that the meeting should emphasize the real representation of the revolution’s forces active inside the country.

Those meeting in Riyadh had agreed to name Nasser al-Hariri as president of the High Negotiations Committee and head of the opposition negotiating delegation to Geneva.

The delegation is made of 36 people, with the Syrian National Coalition receiving eight seats. Armed opposition factions received seven seats, while eight seats were given to independent figures. The National Coordination Committee received five seats, with eight seats going to the Cairo and Moscow platforms.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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