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Beirut Incident will Have Devastating Impact on Syrian Economy

The repercussions of the recent explosion at Beirut Port are likely to have a damaging effect on Syria and its ability to secure imports.
Beirut Incident will Have Devastating Impact on Syrian Economy

Pro-regime economist, Amer Shaheda, said that, “Syria was dependent on the Port of Beirut for imports of foodstuffs coming mainly from Europe, due to the economic sanctions and the siege that the Syrian ports suffer from.”

He told Syrian business website, Business2Business, that the explosion at Beirut Port and the halting of work will have devastating economic effects on Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon.

“The Beirut Port is a lung through which these countries breathe, especially with regards to importing basic materials,” Shaheda added.

According to Shaheda, should the Beirut port stop, that would harm transit trade, which had been generating hard currency for the Assad regime, as a result of the suspension of the movement of trucks, which were transporting goods from the Port of Beirut to Jordan and the rest of the Gulf countries, through Syrian territory.

He pointed out that the current alternative in Lebanon is the port of Tripoli. However, according to Shaheda’s description, the small port is barely sufficient to cover Lebanon’s needs for imports.

The Union of Scholars of Bilad al-Sham issues a statement on Beirut explosion

The Union of Scholars of Bilad al-Sham issued a statement on the Beirut explosion, which read, “We were stunned by the great affliction that befell our people in Beirut and which pained and caused us grief.”

According to the pro-regime Hashtag Syria website, Syrian clerics expressed their hope that Lebanon and all its sects would unite to face a calamity that would have ended everyone’s life. They added that neither party nor sectarian affiliations should separate the Lebanese people, who should remain united, compassionate, and cooperative.

The union concluded by wishing mercy upon the martyrs and a speedy recovery for the injured, and for Beirut to return to being beautiful and strong.

The Syrian opposition website Zaman Al-Wasl wrote that the number of Syrians killed in Lebanon as a result of the explosion is 15, including a woman.

The Lebanese Ministry of Health and the Lebanese Red Cross announced on Thursday, that the number of victims of the Beirut explosion has reached 137 people, with more than 5,000 wounded, in addition to more than 250,000 without homes.

Speaker Sabbagh offers condolences to Berri following port explosion

Speaker of the People’s Assembly, Hammouda Sabbagh sent a cable of condolences to his Lebanese counterpart, Nabih Berri, to offer condolences for the victims of the explosion which hit Beirut Port on Tuesday.

In his cable, Sabbagh expressed deep regret over the grave incident that took place at Beirut Port and claimed the lives of a large number of people and wounding others, expressing heartfelt condolences, on his own behalf and on behalf of the Syrian People’s Assembly, to Berri and the Lebanese Parliament.

Sabbagh expressed solidarity and full sympathy with the families of the victims, wishing a quick recovery to the wounded people.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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